Principal's Message

Mr. K Choudhary
MIT Junior College Talegaon(D)
M.Sc. Mathematics (Tezpur University) – 17 Years Experience
We have tried our level best to run an ideal Junior College where emphasis is given on study, punctuality and morality. Our prime aim is to impart quality and value education. The triangular bonding of teachers, students and guardians help in our success. We are an energetic, dynamic, dedicated young team with innovative ideas. MIT Junior Colleges provide a unique structured and integrated programme facilitated by competent faculty for the students to gain necessary knowledge and skills to enter into high quality professional institutions.
A rigorous assessment system developed at MIT colleges gives clear direction to teachers and students to identify the learning gaps and strengthening the concepts. Professional counselors at MIT colleges support students to realize and channelize their potential constructively towards academics. In the launching year provide new shape and dimensions to the college. We hope to maintain the same level of quality results of the institution.